
Change is so great! It is a time of growth and a time to renew. We have made some changes in our lives recently and they are going to be really great for us. First.... I quit my job. THANK GOODNESS! There were some not so great things happening at work and I just didn't want to but my spirit in such a toxic place anymore and so I quit! Then we decided to move because there was nothing for me to do on the mountain as far as job opportunities and or school and so we moved to a place called Rancho Cucamonga (I know it sounds like a name I made up but it really is a real place....) and it is BEAUTIFUL! I really feel like I live in Southern California now! We have palm trees and Banana trees right outside our front door and when we were unpacking our Uhaul it was seriously 75 degrees....and it is JANUARY!! Can you believe that? If we were still in Idaho I am pretty sure we would be freezing our tails off...instead we were thinking of jumping in the pool because it was so hot! I love it! Our apartment is small but it is so perfect for us and it is helping us to get rid of a lot of the "stuff" that you acquire without really realizing that you have acquired it....if that makes any sense? So we are healthy, happy and looking forward to a new year. I am still struggling to figure out what I want to do with my life and trying to decide if I want to go back to school or find a job or what. I feel kind of lost but I am determined to figure out what exactly the Lord wants me to do with my life. Some of my options are Teaching (college level... I don't think i could handle any other age) Law, Getting a Masters in Business with an emphasis on Human Resources, going to Culinary school, becoming a stewardess so I can see the world, and Vampire slayer yet the hours could be bad for a family. So as you can see I have a lot of ideas yet no real direction...maybe some of you could help me figure it out or at least tell me how you figured it out for yourself?

Anyway we are sorry we haven't posted in a long time but we are alive and we do love you all! Happy New Year! Let's make 2010 the best year yet!!


  1. Wow, Vampire slayer sounds a bit dangerous. (And a bit scarey) Good luck with the other options. :) They all could be exciting, but what fits your family best?
    "There is a choice you have to make, in everything you do. And you must always keep in mind, the choice you make, makes you."
    Only He can help you become all that He intends you to be.
    We love you!

  2. HEY!!! Holy cow how the check are you! :D Yes we are still in Rexburg. I think we are almost done with school. . . someday.


What are ya thinkin?