Self Analysis----- FINISHED

OKAY.... So in my last post I was trying to figure out what it is in life that I was "called" to do...besides be a Mom. and I think this is a lot like the belief in soul mates. The myth is that you have just one person in the whole world that you are supposed to be love. Prophets (and Apostles) have since corrected our silly ways of thinking and have said that there is no such thing as a soul mate and that there are plenty of people that we would be compatible with and that we could love....that being said I am SURE (most of the time) that Brandon is my soul mate :)

Moving on I think that jobs are the same way.... I think that we are taught that there is one true calling that we have and that we would be good at and that we would enjoy where in reality there are TONS of things that we would love and be good at and could totally rock if given the opportunity. So I have decided that it is more about your frame of mind then what you are actually I chose to become a Teacher. Let me explain all the positives to this....Lets start with the most important; June, July, August. Thats right...three months of paid time when you are not working... downside you don't get paid that much- upside- the more education you have the more money you make. Plus you get to help mold the minds of youth in the Latter Days which is a pretty important time to be molding...if you know what I mean. In reality I was looking for something that I could do that would be family friendly if in fact I do have to work after having children and teaching would be that perfect job for me. Not only that but there are opportunities to coach as well which would be SO exciting! So you get every possible government vacation day even ones like President's Day (thank you for whoever thought that up) plus you get two weeks off for Christmas which means no worrying about having time off to see family no matter how far away they are.

Now you are probably wondering what subject it is that I would like to teach...and although I wish Volleyball, Basketball, and Soccer were it's own class, they aren't, so I am left with my next favorite...HISTORY!! I love American Government and I love the History behind it all and I find history of different countries and people all over the world fascinating as well, so I think it will be a perfect match. Hopefully I can help change the country one young mind at a time. Now I just have to go back to school....but only for a couple more years!


  1. Good for you Megan! Though I have to admit that I chuckled when you said history. I think every coach of nearly every sport growing up was also a history/social studies teacher.. :) Good luck!

  2. Sounds like a good choice to me! Well done! Love ya!

  3. Thank you so much for your comment on Mason's birth...its good to hear from you again. Hurray for deciding to be a teacher! Its a fun job, but a lot of work. When I started college, I started out wanting to do history, but ended up switching over to Family & Consumer Science because I wanted the opportunity to teach children about families and how they should function. Good luck in your new pursuit!

  4. I think that's a wonderful choice. Good luck with it!

  5. Wow I love this! Soooooo true. Love you call soon!


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